The name of the event. Try not to make it too long.
Any further details or description of the event, if you like.
One or more links to details of the event. Link to the specific event if possible, rather
than a list of events. If there is a Facebook event please include a link to it.
The country in which the event will take place.
Leave blank if the country does not have states.
The city or town in which (or near which) the event will take place.
If it's in the suburbs surrounding a large city then prefer the name
of that city rather than the suburb.
Does the event include some organised teaching such as a workshop, class or beginner lesson?
Does the event include social dancing (rather than just a workshop or practice)?
For styles like contra and ceilidh where there is a caller on stage with the band calling
the figures.
The name of the group who organise the event.
Your email address, for credit and any clarifications about adding the event. This will
not be included on the website.