{"events":[{"name":"Worcester Contra Dance","details":"When: Dance 7:30-10:30 pm [short basics session 7:15 pm]\nThis is so wicked fun! We dance to live fiddle tunes of Ireland, Scotland, England, France, Appalachia and America! We often switch partners after every dance so there is no need to bring a partner, and no experience is needed to have a fantastic time!\nParking: at Wesley U.M. Church. There is plenty of parking and additional parking behind the building (enter by driving up State St and turning Left into the parking area @ 10-12 State St.).\nLive Music: Alex Cumming (accordion/piano) and Cecilia Vacanti (fiddle). With Alex’s robust and rhythmic backing, you are in for an exciting and very danceable few hours of music!\nCaller: Harris Laperoff calls contra dances, square dances, and English country dances. He strives for an efficient, friendly calling style that adapts to halls of any skill level.\nAdmission: (your choice) $10 – $12 p.p., $6 – $8 students, families $25. Donations are gratefully appreciated!\nFood: Donations of snacks for the break are wanted and gleefully appreciated!\nClothing & Footwear: Just bring, clean shoes to dance in to preserve the floor (no high heels please). Dress is comfortable and as you like.\nRole Terms are: “Ladies & Gents” or “Women & Men” but dancers are welcome to choose whatever role that works for you.","links":["https://www.worcesterdance.org/","https://cdss.org/event/worcester-contra-dance-2/"],"start":"2024-11-09T19:15:00-05:00","end":"2024-11-09T22:30:00-05:00","country":"USA","state":"MA","city":"Worcester","styles":["contra"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["Alex Cumming & Cecilia Vacanti"],"callers":["Harris Laperoff"],"price":"$6-$12","organisation":"CDSS","source":"events/usa/cdss.yaml"}]}