{"events":[{"name":"Midway Community Contra Dance","details":"Community Contra Dance!\nwith Live music from Doxatunes band! \n“If you can walk, you can contra dance! If you are laughing, you are doing it right!” \n5:00pm – 6:00pm: Community Dance for Kids for ages 3-12 yrs.\n(All children must be accompanied by an adult ) \n\nAges 3-12\n$5 per person\n\n6:00pm – 6:30pm: Beginner’s Workshop for 8yrs – Adult\n6:30pm – 9:30pm: Contra Dance for 8yrs – Adult \n\n8 years and up for Beginner’s Workshop and Contra Dance\n$7 Adults | $5 Kids (under 12)\nNon-dancers welcome for just $5!\nBabes in arms can be worn in a body carrier or ring sling\n\nAll Skill Levels Welcome!\nNo Partner Necessary, No Experience Necessary \nTeaching & Calling by Carrie Dayton-Madsen\nCarrie has been sharing the joy of contra dancing for 5 years in SLC, Logan, and Pocatello, Idaho. We start our dances with a beginner’s workshop and all dances are taught and are all beginner friendly.  \nPlease contact me for more information.\nCarrie Dayton-Madsen\nEmail, call, or text me:\n​Butterfly.cari@yahoo.com \n(435) 671-2674","links":["https://cdss.org/event/midway-community-contra-dance/"],"start":"2025-02-08T17:00:00-07:00","end":"2025-02-08T21:30:00-07:00","country":"USA","state":"UT","city":"Midway","styles":["contra"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["Doxatunes"],"callers":["Carrie Dayton-Madsen"],"price":"$5-$7","organisation":"Carrie Dayton-Madsen","source":"events/usa/cdss.yaml"}]}