{"events":[{"name":"Skandia Third Friday dance LIVE","details":"<span>Come to the Skandia dance after the Syttende Mai Parade in Ballard!  </span><br><span>Or just come to Skandia to celebrate Norwegian Constitution Day.  </span>            <br><p>For the class at 7:30<b>, Judy Patterson and Jerry Walsh </b>will review Rørospols. This Norwegian dance was the focus of Springdans this year, and it is always popular at the Friday dances.</p><p>The <b>Seattle Skandia Spelmanslag </b>is excited to play for this dance. They cover a wonderful variety of tunes, including mixers toget everybody up dancing and, of course, you’ll be able to practicethe Rørospols!</p><br><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free  The price of admission includes a free dance class.</b></span>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2024-05-17T19:30:00-07:00","end":"2024-05-17T22:30:00-07:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["Seattle Skandia Spelmanslag"],"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia Third Friday dance","details":"<u></u>               <p>Nancy and Kelly will teach a lovely, three-part dance whose official name is <b>Polkettering, Hambo och Bakmes från Lillhärdal</b>. This calm dance has a wonderful feeling that comes, in part, from a soft springiness in the knees. Lillhärdal is in Härjedalen, Sweden,and the source of the dance description was two dancers born in Lillhärdal in 1896 and 1906. (Thank you, Harry, for the dance description translation.) The dance can be danced to a polska tune from Härjedalen and some slow hambos.</p><p></p><p>Note:  Band change (as of Oct 13) <br></p><p><b>Seattle Skandia Spelmanslag</b>, one of Seattle's larger Scandinavian musical groups will grace our stage.  They will entice us onto the dance floor with their full sound featuring a variety of instruments. What an evening it will be!  Not to be outdone, <b>Skandia Kapell \"light\" </b>will follow with a lively program for us. Stepping in to replace Paradocs at the last moment, we are grateful for their skill, enthusiasm and joy in their music. Come join in the fun! </p><p><br></p><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free  The price of admission includes a free dance class.</b></span>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2024-10-18T19:30:00-07:00","end":"2024-10-18T22:30:00-07:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["Seattle Skandia Spelmanslag","Skandia Kapell"],"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia Third Friday dance LIVE","details":"<p>Judy and Jerry will teach two of the three parts of<b> Bingsjöpolskor</b>.This dance comes from Bingsjö, a small village in Dalarna, Sweden. It is a calm and elegant dance that has standard basic polska turns for the lead and follow and a distinctive musical style of 16-notepolskas. </p><p> After the lesson, <b>Seattle Skandia Spelmanslag</b> will bring its large orchestra sound to the dance floor. Known for its great variety of tunes, it is one of our longest-playing and best-loved Scandinavian music groups in Seattle.</p><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free  The price of admission includes a free dance class.</b></span>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2025-03-21T19:30:00-07:00","end":"2025-03-21T22:30:00-07:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["Seattle Skandia Spelmanslag"],"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"}]}