{"events":[{"name":"Queen City Contra","details":"Queen City Contras will hold its next regular dance on Friday, March 28, 2025 at Shelburne Town Hall.  \n\nDoors open at 6:30, beginner lesson at 6:45, dancing from 7 to 10.\nOur band will be Dave Langford and Colin McCaffrey, with Quena Crain calling.\nAll are welcome; all dances are taught; no partner or experience necessary. \nAdmission: adults over 18, $12; age 12-18/low-income, $5; under 12 free. Cash or check.\nPlease bring a pair of clean, soft-soled shoes to dance in and a water bottle to keep you hydrated.\nMasks optional but welcome.","links":["https://queencitycontras.com/schedule","https://cdss.org/event/contra-dance-in-shelburne-vt/"],"start":"2025-03-28T18:30:00-04:00","end":"2025-03-28T22:00:00-04:00","country":"USA","state":"VT","city":"Shelburne","styles":["contra"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"callers":["Quena Crain"],"price":"$5-$12","organisation":"Queen City Contras","source":"events/usa/cdss.yaml"}]}