{"events":[{"name":"Skandia First Friday FREE DANCE","details":"Celebrate the new year with a FREE dance. Please invite your friends and family. <p> One of the most common dances done at Skandia events is the schottis. Harry Khamis and Pat Pi will quickly review the basic schottis and then go through a few simple variations. </p><p>Music will be provided by the All-Comers Band! All musicians are invited to come and play for dancing. Musicians, come prepared to suggest tunes; the list will be open in the basement of the Cedar Valley Grange from 8 p.m., and musicians may add tune picks to the list. Please keep in mind that we are best served by tunes that are very common. </p>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2024-01-05T19:30:00-08:00","end":"2024-01-05T22:30:00-08:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"price":"free","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Valdresspringar dance class","details":"Suggested donation $10 per person \n\nSpecial dance class on Valdresspringar.","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2024-01-18T19:30:00-08:00","end":"2024-01-18T21:00:00-08:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":false,"price":"$10","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia Third Friday dance","details":"Judy Patterson and Jerry Walsh will continue their teaching of Valdresspringar. This is a fun and energetic dance from Norway, done to mesmerizing music. See:<font><u><a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBdyC5JXthA\">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBdyC5JXthA</a></u></font>. <p>Featured musicians for the evening are The Guys (Bob Hamilton, Chris Dunkle, and John Parejko), who are joining forces tonight with special guests Elise Snoey, Mira Dickey, and Patrick Gunning. </p><p> $10 for Skandia members; $15 for non-members. <br></p>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2024-01-19T19:30:00-08:00","end":"2024-01-19T22:30:00-08:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["The Guys"],"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia First Friday LIVE","details":"<span><b> </b></span> <p>Judy Patterson and Jerry Walsh will provide another opportunity to review Valdresspringar. This fun and energetic dance is from Norway, done to mesmerizing music. We just had a week focusing on this dance, so this is your chance to firm it up. </p><p>Music for this evening will be provided by the Seattle Lilla Spelmanslag and Kvinnene, a band of women all playing hardingfele. So you'll get to practice your Valdresspringar (and other Norwegian dances) to live music!</p><span><b> Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free The price of admission includes a free dance class.</b></span><br><br>Teaching: 7:30-8:30 p.m. No partner is required. <u></u><br><u></u><br><u></u><u></u>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2024-02-02T19:30:00-08:00","end":"2024-02-02T22:30:00-08:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["Kvinnene","Seattle Lilla Spelmanslag"],"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia Third Friday dance LIVE","details":"Fun mixers are on the agenda for the class at 7:30 p.m. <br><p>Harry Khamis and Pat Pi will teach Spinnrokken, Petaluma Waltz, and, if there is time, Mona’s Festvals. Spinnrockenis a simple mazurka mixer that includes both the mazurka step and a waltz step. The Petaluma Waltz mixer (also called Olsson's Waltz mixer) is an extension of the Family Waltz that we do almost every first and third Friday. Mona's Festvals, with rousing music written by Benny Andersson (ABBA) and named for his wife, Mona Nörklit, is an exciting circle waltz mixer.</p><p>Music for this evening will be provided by the Folk Voice Band. They will play a variety of music and dance types with plenty of mixers and sets, which are great for newer dancers and always just plain fun for everybody! Don't miss it!</p><u></u>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2024-02-16T19:30:00-08:00","end":"2024-02-16T22:30:00-08:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["Folk Voice Band"],"organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia First Friday LIVE","details":"Lisa Brooks and Harry Khamis will teach Rørospols. This popular dance comes from the mining town of Røros in Norway. It is a fun dance with lots of partner interaction, and it is done at almost all Friday dances. <p>The five members of Metrognomes, inspired by the magical little people of the north, will provide toe-tapping tunes for the evening. Happiness abounds in their love of Scandinavian dance and music. Sometimes one of the little people accompanies the band!</p><br><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free The price of admission includes a free dance class.</b></span><br><span><b> </b></span><br><span><b>Masks are required. </b></span><br><br><br><u></u><br><u></u><u></u>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2024-03-01T19:30:00-08:00","end":"2024-03-01T22:30:00-08:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["MetroGnomes"],"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia Third Friday dance LIVE","details":"Judy Patterson and Jerry Walsh will teach Åtabakspolska, a dance from Föllinge, in Jämtland, Sweden.This polska has it all: a smooth character, an exhilarating, driving turn, and heavenly music. You can dance it to any speed of music!<p>Sprida Ut will provide music for this Friday’s dance. Brian and Nola Nelson together with Kris Johansson will treat us with their sweet, unique, and haunting blend of nyckelharpa, guitar, and voice.Their music provides warm and rich harmonies that irresistibly pull people out onto the dance floor.</p><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free The price of admission includes a free dance class. </b></span><br><span><b>Masks are required. </b></span>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/activities.html"],"start":"2024-03-15T19:30:00-07:00","end":"2024-03-15T22:30:00-07:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["Sprida Ut"],"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia First Friday LIVE","details":"<span><b> </b></span>Masks required. <br>Jerry and Lisa will teach the fun and energetic<b>Finnskogspols</b>, from border areas between Norway and Sweden. Thisdance was reconstructed based on videos of elderly people rememberingthe dance in their homes, and it has the bounce of people dancing inthe fields. <p></p><p><b>Skandia Kapell</b> will entice us onto the dance floor with its fullsound and harmonious tunes. Led by Kris Johansson, Skandia Kapell isone of Seattle’s larger musical groups and is a longtime favoriteof our dancers. They have a wonderful history playing for dances inSeattle.</p><br><span></span><br><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free The price of admission includes a free dance class.</b></span><br><br><br><u></u><br><u></u><u></u>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2024-04-05T19:30:00-07:00","end":"2024-04-05T22:30:00-07:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["Skandia Kapell"],"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia Third Friday dance LIVE","details":"Masks required. <p>For the class beginning at 7:30, Nancy and Kelly will teach <b>Knut Arne’s Reinlander</b>.This is a fun, lovely dance, whose style and character can beinfluenced by the music. Knut Arne Jacobsen brought this populardance to the United States in 2014. In addition, they will teach asecond dance, a schottis in memory of Ralph Marsh.</p><p>On this evening, there will be two <b>nyckelharpa</b> sets, with a<b>hardingfele</b> break between them, played by Grace Haaland, so peoplecan practice the Valdres Springar and do a few other Norwegiandances, as well.</p><p>The first set will include as many of the regional nyckelharpaplayers as we can muster for a nyckelharpa allspel. The second set isa new trio with the name of <b>LAB 160</b>. Translated: <b>Leslie, Anna, andBill</b>, plus 160 strings of various types. Let’s listen and dance toall those strings together.</p><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free The price of admission includes a free dance class.</b></span>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2024-04-19T19:30:00-07:00","end":"2024-04-19T22:30:00-07:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["Grace Haaland","LAB 160"],"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia First Friday LIVE","details":"<u></u><u></u><span><b> </b></span> <p>Judy Patterson and Jerry Walsh will review Valdresspringar, to reinforce the learning from the workshops held in January. This fun and energetic dance from Norway is done to mesmerizing hardingfele music. See <font><u><a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBdyC5JXthA\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBdyC5JXthA</a></u></font></p><p>The <b>Seattle Lilla Spelmanslag </b>will play for the first part of the evening, covering a wide selection of polskor, pols, and gammaldans. This will be their last show under Martha’s direction,so don’t miss this chance to hear them! <b>Kvinnene</b>, an all-women hardingfele group, will play the second part of the dance. You’ll have a chance to practice your Valdresspringar, as well as Telespringar and other dances!</p><span><b> </b></span><br><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free The price of admission includes a free dance class.</b></span>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2024-05-03T19:30:00-07:00","end":"2024-05-03T22:30:00-07:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["Kvinnene","Seattle Lilla Spelmanslag"],"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia Third Friday dance LIVE","details":"<span>Come to the Skandia dance after the Syttende Mai Parade in Ballard! </span><br><span>Or just come to Skandia to celebrate Norwegian Constitution Day. </span> <br><p>For the class at 7:30<b>, Judy Patterson and Jerry Walsh </b>will review Rørospols. This Norwegian dance was the focus of Springdans this year, and it is always popular at the Friday dances.</p><p>The <b>Seattle Skandia Spelmanslag </b>is excited to play for this dance. They cover a wonderful variety of tunes, including mixers toget everybody up dancing and, of course, you’ll be able to practicethe Rørospols!</p><br><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free The price of admission includes a free dance class.</b></span>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2024-05-17T19:30:00-07:00","end":"2024-05-17T22:30:00-07:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["Seattle Skandia Spelmanslag"],"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia First Friday free dance","details":"<span><b> </b></span>Join us for a FREE evening including a class and a dance! <p>Bob Hamilton and Cindy Scheyer will teach Slängpolska. This is a fun and simple walking couple dance with lots of partner interaction; the lead chooses from many possible moves with no set order. Forms of this dance are popular all over Sweden. See </p><p><font><u><a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvtD0bKSnbQ\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvtD0bKSnbQ</a></u></font>or</p><p><font><u><a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL1GKEsKelQ\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL1GKEsKelQ</a></u></font></p><p>This evening, there will be <i>free admission </i>and a great band! Gammeldansk plays lively, cheerful tunes that everybody can dance to.There will be mixers and fun dances for beginners, as well as bygdedans tunes.</p>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2024-06-07T19:30:00-07:00","end":"2024-06-07T22:30:00-07:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["Gammeldansk"],"price":"free","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia Third Friday dance LIVE","details":"<u></u> <br>For the class at 7:30, Harry Khamis and Pat Pi will teach a dance from Gästrikland, Sweden, called Bondpolska från Överhärde (<i>bonde</i>=farmer or peasant in Swedish). It’s a lilting dance that has a special resting step and a polska turn. It can be danced instead of Bondpolska från Viksta.<p>See <font><u><a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFE2MYA_I-M\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFE2MYA_I-M</a></u></font></p><p>Hale Bill & the Bopps will play music for this evening of dancing. Get ready to enjoy a variety of instrumentation and vocals for a nice mix of dances!</p><br><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free The price of admission includes a free dance class.</b></span>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2024-06-21T19:30:00-07:00","end":"2024-06-21T22:30:00-07:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["Hale Bill & the Bopps"],"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia First Friday LIVE","details":"<br><p>Harry Khamis and Pat Pi will teach Gothenburg Mazurka from Gothenburg, Sweden. This dance has a special step called the “segla,” which means “to sail” in Swedish. See <font><u><a href=\"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBeMCRWMGbU\" target=\"_blank\">www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBeMCRWMGbU</a></u></font>or <font><u><a href=\"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJLEFTLvM6s\" target=\"_blank\">www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJLEFTLvM6s</a></u></font>. </p><p>Music for the first half of this evening will be played by the duo Paradocs (Nancy Morrison on recorder and Ellen Wijsman on fiddle).It’s always a lovely sound, and they play a good variety of fun dances. The second half of the evening will be a nice surprise, which is to say, to be determined.</p><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free The price of admission includes a free dance class.</b></span><br><br><br><u></u><br><u></u><u></u>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2024-07-05T19:30:00-07:00","end":"2024-07-05T22:30:00-07:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["Paradocs"],"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia Third Friday dance LIVE","details":"For the class at 7:30, Harry Khamis and Pat Pi will teach Polka and Bakmes from Kall. This is a fun and lively Swedish dance from Jämtland; it is a good opportunity to review the Kall bakmes step. See<font><u><a href=\"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxRqUvGCsyM\" target=\"_blank\"> www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxRqUvGCsyM</a></u></font>. <br> <br>Music for this evening will be played by our Port Townsend friends Peter Michealsen and Joe Finn. They don’t come to town very often, so don’t miss the opportunity to dance to this very special fiddle duet!<br><br><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free The price of admission includes a free dance class.</b></span>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2024-07-19T19:30:00-07:00","end":"2024-07-19T22:30:00-07:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["Peter Michealsen & Joe Finn"],"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia First Friday LIVE","details":"<span><b> </b></span> For the class at 7:30 pm, Judy Patterson and Jerry Walsh will teach Polska and Bakmes from Kall. This is a smooth Swedish dance from Jämtland, not to be confused with the <i>polka</i> and Bakmes from Kall. This is a good opportunity to review the syncopated bakmes step. <p>Hjarta Herring, a new group to some of us, will share their uniquesound on Friday night. The four of them (Kris Johansson, Catherine Britell, Marissa Essad, and Jean Geiger) were a hit at Folklife Festival and Midsommarfest. Now we get to dance to their music.</p><span><b> </b></span><br><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free The price of admission includes a free dance class.</b></span>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2024-08-02T19:30:00-07:00","end":"2024-08-02T22:30:00-07:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia Third Friday dance LIVE","details":"For the class at 7:30 p.m., Harry Khamis and Pat Pi will teach Odina Jönsson (also called Bakmes från Allerum) from Skåne, Sweden. This dance is named after Odina Jönsson, 1875–1964, from Allerum, and can be done to both three-beat and two-beat music; i.e., it works for waltz, hambo, mazurka, polska, schottis, snoa, and polka music, making it a “universal” dance. It has a fun bakmes (CCW turn) one-legged pivot step for both lead and follow. <p>Then, at 8:30 p.m., the Folk Voice Band brings their cheerful and lively music. In addition to the intrepid couple, Birgit and Phil Ages, Joe Michaels and Frank Brown will round out their international flavor. Besides a great array of Nordic tunes, they will get us up and dancing together with some favorite Danish mixers.</p><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free The price of admission includes a free dance class.</b></span>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2024-08-16T19:30:00-07:00","end":"2024-08-16T22:30:00-07:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["Folk Voice Band"],"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia First Friday LIVE","details":"<span>For the class at 7:30, Harry Khamis and Pat Pi will <b> </b>teach Hambopolska med Vals from Halsingland, Sweden. </span><br><span><br></span><br><span>Music will be provided by a new due \"Duet Friends\" made up of Marissa Villemain and Phil Wilkinson. Their lively tunes andharmonies will ull you out onto the dance floor. <br></span><br><span><b><br></b></span><br><span>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free The price of admission includes a free dance class.</span>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2024-09-06T19:30:00-07:00","end":"2024-09-06T22:30:00-07:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["Duet Friends"],"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia Third Friday dance","details":"Special guests <b>Klintetten from Sweden!</b> Start the 3-day celebration of Skandia's 75th Anniversary at this Friday dance. <br><br>For the class at 7:30, Stig and Helen Eriksson will teach Norskleitjen. This lovely dance from <span>F</span><font><span>ö</span></font><font><span>llinge,</span></font> Sweden is a Swedish take on Rørospols . It can be done to Rørospols music, so you can do this dance regularly at Friday dances. <br><br><span>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free The price of admission includes a free dance class.</span>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2024-09-20T19:30:00-07:00","end":"2024-09-20T22:30:00-07:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["Klintetten"],"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia First Friday","details":"<span><b> </b></span> <p>Judy and Jerry will teach the lovely dance Gammalvänster, from Oviken in Jämtland, Sweden. This is a calm and flowing dance, and is one that Inger and Göran Karlholm taught.</p><p></p><p>Our beloved and respected Skandia Kapell will start off the evening with their lovely music. Led by Kris Johansson, they are known for their great music and wide variety of tunes. We are so lucky to have them play for us! Rounding out the evening’s music will be Fjellerkene. This group of lively and skilled musicians (Grace Haaland, Elise Snoey, and Mira Dickey) will share their talents on their hardingfeles. It’s up to you to ask them the meaning of Fjellerkene.</p><span></span><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free The price of admission includes a free dance class.</b></span>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2024-10-04T19:30:00-07:00","end":"2024-10-04T22:30:00-07:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["Fjellerkene","Skandia Kapell"],"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia Third Friday dance","details":"<u></u> <p>Nancy and Kelly will teach a lovely, three-part dance whose official name is <b>Polkettering, Hambo och Bakmes från Lillhärdal</b>. This calm dance has a wonderful feeling that comes, in part, from a soft springiness in the knees. Lillhärdal is in Härjedalen, Sweden,and the source of the dance description was two dancers born in Lillhärdal in 1896 and 1906. (Thank you, Harry, for the dance description translation.) The dance can be danced to a polska tune from Härjedalen and some slow hambos.</p><p></p><p>Note: Band change (as of Oct 13) <br></p><p><b>Seattle Skandia Spelmanslag</b>, one of Seattle's larger Scandinavian musical groups will grace our stage. They will entice us onto the dance floor with their full sound featuring a variety of instruments. What an evening it will be! Not to be outdone, <b>Skandia Kapell \"light\" </b>will follow with a lively program for us. Stepping in to replace Paradocs at the last moment, we are grateful for their skill, enthusiasm and joy in their music. Come join in the fun! </p><p><br></p><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free The price of admission includes a free dance class.</b></span>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2024-10-18T19:30:00-07:00","end":"2024-10-18T22:30:00-07:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["Seattle Skandia Spelmanslag","Skandia Kapell"],"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia First Friday LIVE","details":"<span>For the class from 7:30-8:30, H</span>arry and Pat will teach a fun and elegant dance that can be done to waltz music. Stigvals gives you another option when a slow-to-medium-speed waltz is played. The pattern is simple, with both a CW and CCW (bakmes) turn, but it takes practice to get used to. See: <font><u><a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Djb-eW95kW0\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Djb-eW95kW0</a></u></font>.<p>The music for the evening will be provided by the well-known MetroGnomes! These musicians, coached by the magical little people of the Northern European countries, will bring you spirited tunes for your dancing pleasure. Their magic will make your toes tap, and keep you up and on the dance floor all evening. <span><b> <br></b></span></p><br><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free The price of admission includes a free dance class.</b></span>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2024-11-01T19:30:00-07:00","end":"2024-11-01T22:30:00-07:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["MetroGnomes"],"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia Third Friday dance LIVE","details":"<b>Hyfs,</b> a fun couple dance from Föllinge, will be taught by Nancy and Kelly. Besides being fun, learning this dance helps with other dances. Hyfs has two bakmes, which appear in other dances; however in this dance, they are done both clockwise and counterclockwise. Nancy often laughs when doing this dance. <p>See: <font><u><a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3RdBPwzYVM\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3RdBPwzYVM</a></u></font></p><p>The two bands who will provide music for the evening play a diversity of instruments: bowed, strummed, plucked, blown, squeezed, struck, and more. The evening will start with the<b> Six-feet Back Band</b>, which was formed in 2020 and plays a wide repertoire of energetic tunes from <br>Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. As is the case for our larger groups, you will know several of the band’s members from other bands or as dancers. Our second three-member band is <b>LAB162</b>, who maximize the number of strings per tune per musician and the number of instruments per <br>musician relative to other bands in this region. Their music and harmonies are divine for both dancing and listening to, and you won’t want them to stop.</p><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free The price of admission includes a free dance class.</b></span><br>Music TBA<u></u>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2024-11-15T19:30:00-08:00","end":"2024-11-15T22:30:00-08:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["LAB162","Six-feet Back Band"],"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia Jullekstuga +Annual Mtg","details":"<u></u><u></u><span><b>Happy Half-Hour begins at 7:30. Please bring a snack to share. </b></span><br><span><b> </b></span><br><span><b>Music begins at 8:00 p.m.</b></span> <br>Nordic Exposure will travel over the river (well, the Sound,actually) and through the woods to play for the Jullekstuga. They bring a unique combination of instruments to fill the hall with music and provide bookends for the Annual Meeting.<br><span><b> <br></b></span><br><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free </b></span>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2024-12-06T19:30:00-08:00","end":"2024-12-06T22:30:00-08:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":false,"social":true,"bands":["Nordic Exposure"],"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia Third Friday dance LIVE","details":"<p> <b>Judy and Jerry will teach Springleik from Vågå</b>. This is a lovely and mesmerizing dance from the Gudbrandsdalen region of Norway. It is a relaxed and flowing dance with fun partner interaction.</p><p></p><p>Just in time for the holidays, we will be graced with the thrilling music of <b>Hale Bill & the Bopps.</b> Listen for their exquisite harmonies and maybe even some singing. It’s a great way to enjoy dancing in the wintertime weather.</p><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free The price of admission includes a free dance class.</b></span>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2024-12-20T19:30:00-08:00","end":"2024-12-20T22:30:00-08:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["Hale Bill & the Bopps"],"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia First Friday LIVE","details":"<p>Start the year out with a FREE dance. <u>Invite your friends and family</u>. Judy Patterson and Jerry Walsh will teach schottis and fun variants. This dance is also known as Reinlender in Norway. It is a basic turning dance that everyone should learn and is always done at Friday dances. This dance evening is free and is a good opportunity for people to bring friends who are less experienced. See <font><u><a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtbQyzchs_o\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtbQyzchs_o</a></u></font>.</p><p>Music will be played by the All-Comers Band! All musicians are invited to come and play for dancing. Musicians, come prepared to suggest tunes; the list will be available in the basement of the Cedar Valley Grange starting at 7:30 p.m., and musicians may add tunes to the list. Please keep in mind that we are best served by tunes that are very common. Contact Leslie Foley at<font><u><a href=\"mailto:music@skandia-folkdance.org\" target=\"_blank\"> music@skandia-folkdance.org </a></u></font>if you have any questions. We’d love a good crowd of jolly musicians at this annual special event!</p>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2025-01-03T19:30:00-08:00","end":"2025-01-03T22:30:00-08:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"price":"free","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia Third Friday dance LIVE","details":"Harry Khamis and Pat Pi will teach a variety of mixers and family dances. Both experienced and less-experienced dancers can join in. We’ll be dancing to waltz, mazurka, polka, and hambo music. Two of the dances to be taught will be Henrik’s Polka, by Henrik fra Stevn (Denmark),and Västerviks Jubiléumsvals, by the Erickssons (Sweden). <br> <br>The band is not yet determined. <br><br><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free The price of admission includes a free dance class.</b></span>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2025-01-17T19:30:00-08:00","end":"2025-01-17T22:30:00-08:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia First Friday","details":"As part of Vinterdans, Lisa Brooks and Tom Sears will teachSpringleik fra Vågå. See <font><u><a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sPg2ASaxyU\" target=\"_blank\">www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sPg2ASaxyU</a></u></font>.<p><span>Teaching: 7:30-8:30 p.m. No partner is required. </span></p><p>Bokpojkarna will play for the first Friday dance. This duo, consisting of Peter Michaelsen and Joe Finn, comes to you from across Puget Sound. They have a broad repertoire and will delight your ears, feet, and hearts with their dueling fiddles with a wide variety of tunes and lovely harmonies!</p><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free The price of admission includes a free dance class.</b></span><br><br><br><u></u><br><u></u><u></u>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2025-02-07T19:30:00-08:00","end":"2025-02-07T22:30:00-08:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["Bokpojkarna"],"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia Third Friday dance","details":"The class runs from 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. and is included with admission to the dance. Harry Khamis and Pat Pi will teach a lovely dance from Funäsdalen, Härjedalen (Sweden), called Storhurveln (Svängpolska) från Funäsdalen. The three parts of the dance are försteg, polska, and bakmes. The Lead’s polska is unique and involves a clicking of heels. Dances and music from this region (including Storhurveln) are the focus of this coming Springdans Northwest. See <font><u><a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wm8R-hP9ikE\" target=\"_blank\">www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wm8R-hP9ikE</a></u></font><p>Sprida Ut will play for this Third Friday dance. The music of this trio—Brian and Nola Nelson, together with Kris Johansson—will be a treat, with their unique and haunting blend of nyckelharpa, guitar,and voice. The warm and rich harmonies will irresistibly pull people out onto the dance floor.</p><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free </b></span><br><span><b>The price of admission includes a free dance class.</b></span>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2025-02-21T19:30:00-08:00","end":"2025-02-21T22:30:00-08:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["Sprida Ut"],"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"},{"name":"Skandia First Friday LIVE","details":"For the class at 7:30 p.m., Harry Khamis and Pat Pi will teach a lovely dance from Härjedalen,Sweden, called <b>Bakmes från Hede</b>, Per Backman’s variant. The three parts of the dance are försteg, hambo (with the special Hede styling), and bakmes. The försteg and bakmes are different for the lead and follow. <br> <br>Featuring hardingfeles along with flutes, clarinet,and bass, <b>TinnFelen</b> will fill the hall with a full orchestra sound. We haven't heard their music in a while, so it will be a very special treat to enjoy dancing to their tunes.<br><span><b> </b></span><br><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free The price of admission includes a free dance class.</b></span>","links":["https://skandia-folkdance.org/"],"start":"2025-03-07T19:30:00-08:00","end":"2025-03-07T22:30:00-08:00","country":"USA","state":"WA","city":"Lynnwood","styles":["scandi"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"bands":["TinnFelen"],"price":"$10-$15","organisation":"Skandia Folkdance Society","source":"events/usa/skandia.yaml"}]}