{"events":[{"name":"Mid-Winter Waltz Workshop & Contra Dance","details":"Join us for a special waltz workshop, open waltzing, contra workshop, and contra dance. Nationally recognized contra caller and waltz instructor Gaye Fifer will lead this dance event to music by Jared Kirkpatrick (piano; from the band Starling), David DiGiuseppi (accordion; from the bands Footloose, and Playing With Fyre), and Matthew Olwell (flute, cajon, foot percussion; from band Maivish). \nAdmission: \n\nEarly Bird (through February 9) Waltz & Contra: $25\nAt-the-Door Waltz & Contra: $30\nWaltz-only: $15\nContra-only: $15\n\nRegister here. Secure your Early Bird rate by paying either with cash or check at an upcoming dance or by PayPal (linked on the website). \nTo protect the floor, please wear soft-soled, clean, and comfortable shoes. \nThis is a mask-optional event. There are no vaccination requirements. As always, for the health and safety of the community, please stay home if you are displaying any symptoms of illness or have been recently exposed to someone who tested positive for an infectious disease.","links":["https://shenandoahvalleycontradance.weebly.com/winter-waltz-workshop--contra-2025.html","https://www.facebook.com/events/950386666627913/","https://cdss.org/event/mid-winter-waltz-workshop-contra-dance/"],"start":"2025-02-15T15:00:00-05:00","end":"2025-02-15T22:00:00-05:00","country":"USA","state":"VA","city":"Staunton","styles":["contra"],"workshop":true,"social":true,"callers":["Gaye Fifer"],"price":"$15-$30","organisation":"Shenandoah Valley Contra Dance","source":"events/usa/cdss.yaml"}]}