[[events]] name = "Montpelier Contra Dance" details = """ Ben Sachs-Hamilton calling with music by Calico (Jesse Ball, Eric Boodman, Casey Murray). Newcomers lesson at 7:40 with dancing 8-11. Everyone welcome. All dances are taught and gender-neutral role terms are used. Please bring clean soft-soled shoes. Masks are optional. More info at Capital City Grange. $12 adults, $5 kids/low-income, $20 dance supporters. Questions? 802-225-8921 or cdu.tim@gmail.com Dancing every 1st, 3rd, and 5th Saturday.""" links = ["https://capitalcitygrange.org/dancing/contradancing/", "https://cdss.org/event/montpelier-contra-dance-4/"] start = "2023-11-18T19:40:00-05:00" end = "2023-11-18T23:00:00-05:00" country = "USA" state = "VT" city = "Berlin" styles = ["contra"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Calico"] callers = ["Ben Sachs-Hamilton"] price = "$5-$20" organisation = "Montpelier Contra Dance" source = "events/usa/cdss_2023.yaml" [[events]] name = "East Thetford Pavilion Dance" details = """ Dance starts at 7:30; there will be some walk-throughs at 7:15. Potluck desserts at the break. Fee: $15+ for adults, and $5 for 16 and under. Cash (or check) only. July 13: Adina Gordon calling, music by Calico August 10: David Eisenstadter calling, music by Blind Squirrel""" links = ["https://cdss.org/event/east-thetford-pavilion-dance/2024-07-13/", "https://www.facebook.com/events/354417904318409/"] start = "2024-07-13T19:15:00-04:00" end = "2024-07-13T22:30:00-04:00" country = "USA" state = "VT" city = "Thetford" styles = ["contra"] workshop = false social = true bands = ["Calico"] callers = ["Adina Gordon"] price = "$5-$15" organisation = "CDSS" source = "events/usa/cdss.yaml" [[events]] name = "Contra at Guiding Star Grange" details = """ Caller and featured musicians vary each time; please check the Guiding Star Grange website for details. Schedule: 7:30 beginner lesson, 8:00-11:00 contras Cost: $12-$20 sliding scale Note: Each dance series now has its own COVID protocol. We hope every dancer will feel comfortable at one or more dances.""" links = ["https://www.guidingstargrange.org/events.html", "https://cdss.org/event/fifth-friday-contra-at-guiding-star-grange/2024-08-30/"] start = "2024-08-30T19:30:00-04:00" end = "2024-08-30T23:00:00-04:00" country = "USA" state = "MA" city = "Greenfield" styles = ["contra"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Calico"] callers = ["Annie Kidwell"] price = "$12-$20" organisation = "Jesse Ball" source = "events/usa/cdss.yaml"