[[events]] name = "Festival Balilas" links = ["https://balilas.lesviesdansent.bzh/", "https://www.facebook.com/events/1175645033071915/"] start = "2023-04-28T19:00:00+02:00" end = "2023-05-01T18:00:00+02:00" country = "France" city = "Rennes" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Fahrenheit", "Peldrut", "Bal O'Gadjo", "Duo Artense", "NIJ", "Trencadit", "Zlabya", "Planchée", "KV Express", "Petit Piment"] organisation = "Les Vies Dansent" source = "events/france/france.yaml" [[events]] name = "RenoFolk Festival" links = ["https://www.renofolkfestival.it/?lang=en", "https://www.facebook.com/events/2417926568382398/"] start = "2023-06-08T15:00:00+02:00" end = "2023-06-11T20:00:00+02:00" country = "Italy" city = "Bologna" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["ba.fnu", "Lampetròn", "Petit Piment", "Rógairí Móra Irish Band", "Beat Bouet Trio", "Ensemble Invisibile", "Ballaveu", "Musicanti d'la Bása", "Trio Loubelya", "Shillelagh", "Iskraria", "Accordzéâm"] price = "€85" organisation = "RenoFolk" source = "events/italy/renofolk.yaml" [[events]] name = "Loupiote Festival #3" links = ["https://lalanterneprod.fr/loupiotefestival/", "https://www.facebook.com/events/1291220758106780/", "https://www.helloasso.com/associations/la-lanterne-prod/evenements/loupiote-festival-3"] start = "2023-07-06T18:30:00+02:00" end = "2023-07-09T23:59:00+02:00" country = "France" city = "Gaillac" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Naragonia", "Vilma Talvitie", "Duo Des Cimes", "Petit Piment", "INUI", "Le Gros Trio", "La Machine", "Balaphonik Sound System", "Ivan du Rêve", "Forró Da Lua", "Roux Matins", "Maug x Ginette"] price = "€70-€150" organisation = "La Lanterne Prod" source = "events/france/france.yaml" [[events]] name = "Le Son Continu" links = ["http://www.lesoncontinu.fr/en/le-son-continu-2023/", "https://www.facebook.com/events/208242738478127/"] start = "2023-07-13T13:00:00+02:00" end = "2023-07-17T04:00:00+02:00" country = "France" city = "Lourouer Saint Laurent" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Danièl Frouvelle", "Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino", "Princesse Miska", "Duo Absynthe", "Storm", "Le Mange Bal", "Duo Chabenat-Heiderich", "The Bonny Men", "Fublène", "Duo Azare", "Bourrasque", "L'Ombre de la Bête", "Plume", "Oscar Ibáñez & Tribo", "Balam", "Duo Cavez-Paulson", "Petit Piment", "La Grand' Bête", "La Chimère", "Cocanha", "Mugar", "Arbadétorne", "Plantec"] price = "€69-€79" organisation = "Le Son Continu" source = "events/france/lsc.yaml" [[events]] name = "Boombalfestival" links = ["https://boombalfestival.be/home", "https://www.facebook.com/events/1824983991194486/"] start = "2023-08-23T20:00:00+02:00" end = "2023-08-27T23:59:00+02:00" country = "Belgium" city = "Lovendegem" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Plume", "Petit Piment", "Cam&Léo", "Trio14", "Turbobal", "Naragonia", "Duo Clercx", "Noiranomis", "Warmoes", "Zlabya", "Supernovas", "Emily & The Simons", "KV Express", "TriBoT", "Man Encantada", "Floris & the Flames", "Lucas Thébaut", "Les Zéoles", "Nisia Trio", "Parasol", "LyraDanz", "Tref", "Duo Absynthe"] organisation = "Boombal" source = "events/belgium/boombal.yaml" [[events]] name = "Tchitchoubal 2023 - 8ème édition" links = ["https://aixbaleti.wixsite.com/aixbaleti/tchitchoubal-2023", "https://www.helloasso.com/associations/aix-baleti/evenements/tchitchoubal-2022-8eme-edition", "https://www.facebook.com/events/229631599714777/"] start = "2023-10-26T19:00:00+02:00" end = "2023-10-29T20:00:00+02:00" country = "France" city = "Aix-en-Provence" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Naragonia", "Petit Piment", "Groove Factory", "Le Grand Barouf", "Las Orgas", "Dekolaz"] price = "€0-€50" organisation = "Aix Balèti" source = "events/france/aix-en-provence.yaml" [[events]] name = "Trad’Ardèche" links = ["https://famdt-ardeche.fr/wp/tradardeche-2024/"] start = "2024-05-17T10:00:00+02:00" end = "2024-05-19T23:59:00+02:00" country = "France" city = "Privas" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Bal O'Gadjo", "Hoctomoz", "Patxi eta Konpania", "Trio Saraï", "Petit Piment", "Trio Loubelya", "Taouarh", "Avec", "La Chouette Velue", "Bélao Bé", "Troll"] organisation = "FAMDTA" source = "events/france/france.yaml"