[[events]] name = "RenoFolk Festival" links = ["https://www.renofolkfestival.it/en/reno-folk-festival/", "https://www.facebook.com/events/347862077132979/"] start_date = "2022-06-02" end_date = "2022-06-05" country = "Italy" city = "Bologna" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Caamaño & Ameixeiras", "Bucci e Fragole e Tempesta", "KV Express", "Man Encantada Duo", "Les Zéoles", "Ciac Boum", "Duo Meo Lucanero", "TriOblique"] organisation = "RenoFolk" source = "events/italy/renofolk.yaml" [[events]] name = "Numinosum Festival 2022" links = ["http://festival.numinosum.pl/?lang=en", "https://www.facebook.com/events/732603554347119/"] start = "2022-09-08T19:00:00+02:00" end = "2022-09-11T23:30:00+02:00" country = "Poland" city = "Warsaw" styles = ["balfolk", "polish", "scandi"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Adriano Sangineto", "ba.fnu", "Duo du Balcon", "LyraDanz", "TransFORMACJA", "Rémi Geffroy", "TriOblique", "Wim te Groen", "Hilde van Belle", "Mr Folxlide", "Duo Sienkiewicz", "Kovecs es Viz"] organisation = "Numinosum" source = "events/poland/numinosum.yaml" [[events]] name = "Festival Les Bals Combiers" links = ["https://lesbalscombiers.ch/index.php/festival", "https://www.facebook.com/events/3324942197785880/"] start = "2022-09-16T18:00:00+02:00" end = "2022-09-18T15:30:00+02:00" country = "Switzerland" city = "Le Chenit" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Héron le Fou", "TriOblique", "Terroir Collapse", "No&Mi", "Arasta Bazaar", "Zéphyr Combo"] price = "50-86 CHF" organisation = "Les Bals Combiers" source = "events/switzerland/lesbalscombiers.yaml" [[events]] name = "TriOblique in Concert" links = ["https://www.facebook.com/events/788882732170759/", "https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSforYMgQ4Tu0rar3qoIo0nLFIXC1pggrigNoyyB8HeHjV_AQQ/viewform"] start = "2022-12-10T18:00:00+01:00" end = "2022-12-10T23:00:00+01:00" country = "Italy" city = "Palermo" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["TriOblique"] price = "€12-€20" organisation = "PAF" source = "events/italy/palermo.yaml" [[events]] name = "Festa a ballo" links = ["https://www.facebook.com/events/469333688464594/"] start = "2022-12-17T17:00:00+01:00" end = "2022-12-17T23:00:00+01:00" country = "Italy" city = "Daverio" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["TriOblique"] price = "€10-€15" organisation = "La Folkeria ARCI APS" source = "events/italy/daverio.yaml" [[events]] name = "Gaia Folk Fest 2023" links = ["https://www.facebook.com/events/6125896617440884/"] start = "2023-05-12T16:00:00+02:00" end = "2023-05-14T22:00:00+02:00" country = "Italy" city = "Flambruzzo" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["TriOblique", "Porte Perte", "Philippe Plard", "Val Resia"] organisation = "Gaia Terra" source = "events/italy/gaia_terra.yaml" [[events]] name = "Social dance in Mezrab" details = """ Balfolk in de Mezrab De Mezrab host iedere derde donderdag van de maand het leukste Balfolkfeestje van Amsterdam. Bestel alvast een ticket en kom dansen op de livemuziek van TriOblique en PFM! Ticket - Voorverkoop: 13 euro - Aan de deur: 15 euro Tickets >>> Programma 19:00 Deuren open 19:30 Dansworkshop voor beginners met Gepke & Berend 20:30 Bal met PFM! 21:00 Bal met TriOblique 23:00 Sessie Locatie Mezrab draagt Balfolk een warm hart toe en nodigt ons iedere maand uit te komen dansen. Je kunt in de Mezrab op andere dagen vooral terecht voor storytelling. Het café dient als inspiratiebron voor vele theaters, centra, musea en festivals om ook storytelling te programmeren. Mezrab programmeert meerdere keren per week regelmatig vertelavonden. Op de andere avonden wordt storytelling gecombineerd met andere kunstdisciplines (dans, beeldende kunst, poëzie, etc.) en een wereldmuziekprogramma. Er is plek voor zo'n 100 dansers. Adres: Veemkade 576 1019 BL Amsterdam Bands TriOblique Het is door de ontmoeting rond Ierse muziek dat deze drie muzikanten besloten samen te komen. Om de wereld te laten dansen, op en neer en vooral dwars. TriOblique is de subtiele (of niet!), vermenging van het muziekspel van Susanna Roncallo (gitaar), Aurélien Congrega (Ierse Bouzouki en zang) en Dario Gisotti (Uillean Pipe en fluiten), de kronkelende paden van de ene stijl nemend voor een diagonale sprong naar de stijl van de andere, over velden, door bossen, het verkennen van geluiden die van Genua naar Ierland gaan, van funk tot traditionele zang uit het noorden van Bretagne, van delicate fingerpicking tot goede rockakkoorden, van instrumenten tot zang, van pure traditie tot de versmelting van genres, met het vreugdevolle verlangen om te bewegen de lichamen in een verfijnde mazurka, of in een waanzinnige Kost Ar Choat! PFM! PFM! is een energieke balfolkband uit het westen van het land. De band is in 2020 ontstaan en bestaat uit enthousiaste dansers die ook graag op het podium staan: Frans op klarinet, Maurits op viool en Pieter op gitaar. Het trio speelt onder andere rechttoe-rechtaan cercle’s, swingende scottishes en hoekige hanterdro’s, maar ook zachte smeuïge mazurka’s en een verstilde gavotte de ‘l Aven. Er worden voornamelijk eigen composities gespeeld met bijdragen van alle drie de bandleden. Het klinkt soms eigenwijs, maar altijd aanstekelijk en dansbaar!""" links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/social-dance-in-mezrab-met-trioblique/", "https://www.facebook.com/events/1886348525070601/"] start = "2023-06-15T19:00:00+02:00" end = "2023-06-15T23:55:00+02:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Amsterdam" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["TriOblique", "PFM!"] price = "€13-€15" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl_2023.yaml" [[events]] name = "ZAP FEST 2023" details = """ ISCRIZIONI\r Basta compilare il modulo d’iscrizione, l’iscrizione sarà confermata solo ad avvenuto pagamento di una caparra del 20% in base alle scelte selezionate. Non pagate l’intero biglietto, non rimborseremo nessuna cifra da voi versata.\r Puoi trovare il modulo \"ZAP FEST ISCRIZIONI \" su: https://form.jotform.com/221094304823045\r Oppure nel post dedicato al modulo.\r I prezzi e altre informazioni sono indicati all’interno del modulo!\r \r CIBO\r Ai pasti ci pensiamo noi, non portare fornellini a gas e non accendere fuochi in tutta l’area festival/relax/campeggio.\r La cucina è prevalentemente vegana e/o vegetariana. Nel modulo potrai segnalarci eventuali allergie.\r La cucina ha degli orari ben definiti, una volta chiusa ci sarà comunque del cibo a disposizione ma sarà pagato a parte!\r Se avete piacere portatevi pure il vostro kit piatto, posate e bicchiere, allo zap ognuno lava ciò che sporca! Se non siete forniti tranquilli, abbiamo tutto!\r \r LUOGO\r Il luogo è immerso nel verde dell’Appennino Tosco-Emiliano, vanta di un freschissimo torrente, il Dardagna, dove puoi passare ore a scioglierti al sole e congelarti dentro l’acqua a loop.\r Ci sono delle docce a cielo aperto quindi portatevi saponi biodegradabili!\r Per la pupù ci sono le compost toilette e per la pipì la natura ma comunque avete 15 ettari per cercare il vostro natural wc!\r Ma mi raccomando non lasciare carta in giro, basta portarsi una bella bottiglia d’acqua e splash in the ass!\r I vostri amici a quattro zampe è meglio lasciarli a casa, ci sono altri animali liberi e vogliamo evitare disarmonie. \r \r DOVE?\r La domanda più richiesta in assoluto!\r Via camporibaldo, 30\r Rocca Corneta 40042 (BO)\r Vi consigliamo di mettere nel navigatore prima centro di Rocca Corneta e poi azienda agricola sol ribaldo!""" links = ["https://form.jotform.com/221094304823045", "https://www.facebook.com/events/248816630851341/"] start = "2023-07-26T12:12:00+02:00" end = "2023-07-31T12:12:00+02:00" country = "Italy" city = "Rocca Corneta" styles = ["balfolk", "italian"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["I Suonatori della Valle del Savena", "Karamaus", "Fanfarròni", "Viorel", "Morwenn & Ronan Pinc", "Argan Quintet", "TriOblique", "Sanseveria", "Magma", "Imnari", "Initium", "Duo Zhao-Spriet", "Loogaroo"] price = "€180" organisation = "Sol Ribaldo" source = "events/italy/rocca_corneta.yaml" [[events]] name = "Workshop and Balfolk" links = ["https://www.facebook.com/events/143271662088310/", "https://www.facebook.com/events/280056837800575/"] start = "2023-08-12T15:00:00+02:00" end = "2023-08-13T00:00:00+02:00" country = "Italy" city = "San Damiano Macra" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["TriOblique"] price = "free" organisation = "Escarton Associazione APS" source = "events/italy/san_damiano_macra.yaml" [[events]] name = "Gran Bal Folk, workshop & dinner" links = ["https://www.facebook.com/events/1272385356784184/"] start = "2023-12-08T14:45:00+01:00" end = "2023-12-09T01:30:00+01:00" country = "Italy" city = "Ceresole Alba" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Di Doux", "TriOblique", "Ivan du Rêve"] price = "€15-€25" source = "events/italy/ceresole_alba.yaml" [[events]] name = "Musik- und Tanzfest" details = "Drei Tage Tanz, Musik und Workshops unter Buchen und in der alten Scheune, auf der Wiese und auf dem Tanzboden, unter der Sonne und unter den Sternen im wunderschönen Krebsow in Vorpommern." links = ["https://boddenfolk.de/musik-und-tanzfest-2023.html"] start = "2024-05-31T12:00:00+02:00" end = "2024-06-02T15:00:00+02:00" country = "Germany" city = "Krebsow" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["SpielMeute", "Ilmfidelhupf", "J.B.", "TriOblique"] price = "€70-€90" organisation = "BoddenFolk e.V." source = "events/mecklenburg-vorpommern/gro_kiesow_ot_krebsow.yaml" [[events]] name = "Le Festival De La Pouméane" links = ["https://balistik.org/poumeane-2024/", "https://www.facebook.com/events/445325068188527/"] start = "2024-06-21T19:00:00+02:00" end = "2024-06-23T17:00:00+02:00" country = "France" city = "Combovin" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["TriOblique", "Back in Bal", "Poolidor", "Danse sur le Piano", "Duo du Balcon"] organisation = "Balistik" source = "events/france/balistik.yaml" [[events]] name = "Dañserlà 2024" links = ["https://eveeno.com/danserla2024", "https://www.facebook.com/events/1492820104633496/"] start = "2024-06-27T16:00:00+02:00" end = "2024-06-30T16:00:00+02:00" country = "Germany" city = "Erlangen" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Petit Piment", "Naragonia", "Rémi Geffroy", "Cecilia", "LyraDanz", "Airboxes Trio", "TriOblique", "Cam&Léo", "B-Key", "Valsaviris"] organisation = "Kulturverein Erlangen" source = "events/germany/erlangen.yaml" [[events]] name = "Bal Folk Termine" details = """ Balfolk in Karlsruhe mit TriOblique (IT) und Elba Connection, 16:30-18:00h Tanzworkshop""" links = ["http://www.ka-balfolk.de", "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/560233905"] start = "2024-06-28T16:30:00+02:00" end = "2024-06-28T23:00:00+02:00" country = "Germany" city = "Karlsruhe" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Elba Connection", "TriOblique"] organisation = "KA-BALFOLK" source = "events/germany/kalender.yaml" [[events]] name = "Etétrad" details = "International festival of the new trad music in Aosta Valley" links = ["https://www.etetrad.org/", "https://www.facebook.com/events/2156309714719701/"] start = "2024-08-06T17:39:00+02:00" end = "2024-08-10T17:39:00+02:00" country = "Italy" city = "Fenis" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Duo Claranbaux-Geerinck", "Filippo Gambetta", "Groove Factory", "La Machine", "La Paranza del Geco", "Le Petit Bal Ratamouche", "Mox", "Patrick Bouffard", "Ponente Folk Legacy", "Roger Moure", "Startijenn", "TriOblique", "Violons Volants"] price = "€22-€140" organisation = "Associazione culturale Ététrad" source = "events/italy/aosta.yaml"