[[events]] name = "Hawaii Contra Dance Week" links = ["https://kalani.com/hawaii-contra-dance-week-march-2023/"] start = "2023-03-11T16:00:00-10:00" end = "2023-03-17T12:00:00-10:00" country = "USA" state = "HI" city = "Pahoa" styles = ["contra"] workshop = false social = true bands = ["Tangent"] callers = ["Gaye Fifer", "Claire Takemori"] price = "$1420-$3100" organisation = "Kalanimua" source = "events/usa/hawaii.yaml" [[events]] name = "Lake Eden Arts Festival - Spring" links = ["https://theleaf.org/"] start_date = "2024-05-10" end_date = "2024-05-11" country = "USA" state = "NC" city = "Black Mountain" styles = ["contra"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Playing with Fyre"] callers = ["Claire Takemori"] organisation = "TryContra" source = "events/usa/trycontra.yaml" [[events]] name = "Dancing Fish" links = ["https://dancingfish.dance/"] start_date = "2024-10-04" end_date = "2024-10-05" country = "USA" state = "FL" city = "Melrose" styles = ["contra"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["ContraPositive"] callers = ["Claire Takemori"] organisation = "Dancing Fish" source = "events/usa/trycontra.yaml" [[events]] name = "John C. Campbell Folk School Winter Dance Week" details = """ Join us for a favorite Folk School pastime of contras, squares, circles, sets, and more. Dances feature live music with callers teaching dances. Winter Dance Week, December 27-31 Dances open to the public Callers: Janet Shepherd, Seth Tepfer, Annie Fain Barralon, Claire Takemori, Wendy Graham, Dan Seppeler, Susan Kevra, and more. Bands: 3 bands per night, including Serendipity, Chicken Feathers, Brasstown Balfolk Band, and more! Keith House Community Room A donation of $5-10 per adult is suggested for most events, but all are welcome regardless of contribution. Lineup and schedule are subject to change. Check our online events calendar for the most up-to-date information.""" links = ["https://folkschool.configio.com/pd/2572/winter-dance-week", "https://cdss.org/event/john-c-campbell-folk-school-winter-dance-week/2024-12-27/", "https://cdss.org/event/john-c-campbell-folk-school-winter-dance-week/2024-12-28/", "https://cdss.org/event/john-c-campbell-folk-school-winter-dance-week/2024-12-29/", "https://cdss.org/event/john-c-campbell-folk-school-winter-dance-week/2024-12-30/", "https://cdss.org/event/john-c-campbell-folk-school-winter-dance-week/2024-12-31/"] start = "2024-12-27T19:00:00-05:00" end = "2024-12-31T22:00:00-05:00" country = "USA" state = "NC" city = "Brasstown" styles = ["balfolk", "contra", "ecd"] workshop = false social = true bands = ["Brasstown Balfolk Band", "Chicken Feathers", "Serendipity"] callers = ["Annie Fain Barralon", "Claire Takemori", "Dan Seppeler", "Janet Shepherd", "Seth Tepfer", "Susan Kevra", "Wendy Graham"] price = "$482" organisation = "CDSS" source = "events/usa/cdss.yaml" [[events]] name = "Cabin Fever" details = "We have an exciting dance weekend planned this year. Caller Claire Takemori and our cast of local experts will lead two days of twirling, stomping, spinning, and stepping to the music. This year, we’re pleased to have the Ice Cream Truckers and Spintuition play the tunes. Registration opens November 2024." links = ["https://www.knoxvillecontra.org/cfschedule", "https://cdss.org/event/cabin-fever-2025-dance-weekend/"] start_date = "2025-02-07" end_date = "2025-02-09" country = "USA" state = "TN" city = "Oak Ridge" styles = ["contra", "ecd"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Ice Cream Truckers", "Spintuition"] callers = ["Claire Takemori"] organisation = "Knoxville Contra Dance" source = "events/usa/cdss.yaml"