[[events]] name = "English Country Dance" details = "Twice-monthly English Country Dance session in Colorado Springs, CO. Each dance will be taught and then practiced. Great social atmosphere and fun!" links = ["https://www.meetup.com/english-county-dance-colorado-springs/events/304111734/", "https://cdss.org/event/english-country-dance/2024-11-24/"] start = "2024-11-24T13:45:00-07:00" end = "2024-11-24T15:45:00-07:00" country = "USA" state = "CO" city = "Colorado Springs" styles = ["ecd"] workshop = false social = true organisation = "CDSS" source = "events/usa/cdss.yaml" [[events]] name = "Contra Dance" details = """ Contra Dance in Colorado Springs, CO with live music. Beginner’s lesson at start of session. $10 adults; $5 students; children under 13 free with a paying adult.""" links = ["https://www.pptdcontra.com/", "https://cdss.org/event/contra-dance-5/2024-12-01/"] start = "2024-12-01T13:30:00-07:00" end = "2024-12-01T16:30:00-07:00" country = "USA" state = "CO" city = "Colorado Springs" styles = ["contra"] workshop = true social = true price = "$5-$10" organisation = "Pikes Peak Traditional Dance" source = "events/usa/cdss.yaml"