[[events]] name = "Balfolk Wilhelmina — 150e editie" details = """ De 150e editie van Balfolk in café Wilhelmina. Al jarenlang een vaste prik op de tweede woensdag van de maand. Dit speciale jubileum spelen twee gelegenheidsband (Wilma en Mieneke) bestaande uit toppers van Nederlandse en Belgische bodem. Vooraf dansuitleg door Wilco en Anita.""" links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/balfolk-wilhelmina-150e-editie/"] start = "2022-04-13T20:00:00+02:00" end = "2022-04-13T23:30:00+02:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Mieneke", "Wilma"] price = "€8" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl_2022.yaml" [[events]] name = "Folkbal Wilhelmina" links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-wilhelmina-12/"] start = "2022-05-11T20:00:00+02:00" end = "2022-05-12T00:00:00+02:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Wouter en de Draak"] price = "€8" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl_2022.yaml" [[events]] name = "Folkbal Wilhelmina" links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-wilhelmina-18/"] start = "2022-06-08T20:00:00+02:00" end = "2022-06-09T00:00:00+02:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Kelten zonder Grenzen"] price = "€8" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl_2022.yaml" [[events]] name = "Folkwoodsreünie" details = """ In 2012 werd de (voorlopig?) laatste editie van het Folkwoodsfestival in Eindhoven georganiseerd. Om daarop terug te kijken houden we een gezellige middag in het mooie Philips van Lenneppark met fijne muziek. Er wordt onder andere gespeeld door Paracetamol, Wouter Kuyper en het duo Swinco (Gregor Swinkels & David Cornelissen, oftewel een halve Avendans). Er is horeca aanwezig, eigen eten/drinken meebrengen voor een picknick is een goed alternatief. Gratis toegankelijk, een bijdrage voor de muzikanten wordt zeer op prijs gesteld.""" links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkwoodsreunie/"] start = "2022-08-14T14:00:00+02:00" end = "2022-08-14T20:00:00+02:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = false social = true bands = ["Paracetamol", "Swinco", "Wouter Kuyper"] price = "donation" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl_2022.yaml" [[events]] name = "Folkbal Wilhelmina" links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-wilhelmina-13/"] start = "2022-10-12T20:00:00+02:00" end = "2022-10-13T00:00:00+02:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Airboxes"] price = "€8" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl_2022.yaml" [[events]] name = "Folkbal Wilhelmina" links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-wilhelmina-14/"] start = "2022-11-09T20:00:00+01:00" end = "2022-11-10T00:00:00+01:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Naragonia"] price = "€8" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl_2022.yaml" [[events]] name = "Folkbal Wilhelmina" links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-wilhelmina-17/"] start = "2022-12-14T20:00:00+01:00" end = "2022-12-14T23:45:00+01:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Laouen"] price = "€8" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl_2022.yaml" [[events]] name = "Folkbal Wilhelmina" links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-wilhelmina-19/"] start = "2023-01-11T20:00:00+01:00" end = "2023-01-11T23:45:00+01:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true price = "€10" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl_2023.yaml" [[events]] name = "Folkbal Wilhelmina" links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-wilhelmina-15/"] start = "2023-02-08T20:00:00+01:00" end = "2023-02-09T00:00:00+01:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Androneda"] price = "€10" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl_2023.yaml" [[events]] name = "Folkbal Wilhelmina" links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-wilhelmina-20/"] start = "2023-03-08T20:00:00+01:00" end = "2023-03-08T23:45:00+01:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Loogaroo"] price = "€10" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl_2023.yaml" [[events]] name = "Folkbal Wilhelmina" links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-wilhelmina-21/"] start = "2023-04-12T20:00:00+02:00" end = "2023-04-13T00:00:00+02:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Viorel"] price = "€10" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl_2023.yaml" [[events]] name = "Folkbal Wilhelmina" links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-wilhelmina-22/"] start = "2023-05-10T20:00:00+02:00" end = "2023-05-10T23:45:00+02:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Les Frères d'Eeckère"] price = "€10" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl_2023.yaml" [[events]] name = "Fantasy Court" details = """ Fantasy Court is een kleinschalig, non-profit fantasy festival in Eindhoven waar dit jaar ook weer gedanst kan worden! Entree is gratis en we zijn open van 11.00 tot 18.00. We zijn afgelopen jaar enorm gegroeid en er is de hele dag iets te beleven! Vanaf 13.45 wordt er een instructie gegeven door Sophie van Grinsven, van 14.50 tot 15.35 en 17.20 tot 18.00 komt Andawenn muziek spelen om naar te luisteren en balfolk te dansen. Verder kun je bijvoorbeeld van 13.00 tot 13.30 luisteren en dansen bij het debutoptreden van het Doldwaze Draai Duo, en van 16.20 tot 16.40 kun je komen kijken naar het waaierdansoptreden The Warrior Within van de dansers van Fan-tastique en Triskelion, meedoen aan een kostuumwedstrijd, verschillende spellen spelen, kijken naar zwaardvechtdemonstraties van HEMA vereniging de Zwaardkring of langs meer dan 40 verschillende verkopers en kunstenaars, groot en klein, over de markt lopen. Meer weten? Kijk eens op onze website  of facebook pagina .""" links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/fantasy-court/", "https://www.fantasycourt.nl/"] start = "2023-06-11T11:00:00+02:00" end = "2023-06-11T18:00:00+02:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Andawenn", "Doldwaze Draai Duo"] price = "free" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl_2023.yaml" [[events]] name = "Folkbal Wilhelmina" links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-wilhelmina-23/"] start = "2023-06-14T20:00:00+02:00" end = "2023-06-14T23:45:00+02:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["BmB Light"] price = "€10" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl_2023.yaml" [[events]] name = "Folkbal Wilhelmina" links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-wilhelmina-6/"] start = "2023-09-13T20:00:00+02:00" end = "2023-09-13T23:45:00+02:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Two Catch a Raindrop"] price = "€10" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl_2023.yaml" [[events]] name = "Folkbal Wilhelmina" links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-wilhelmina-24/"] start = "2023-10-11T20:00:00+02:00" end = "2023-10-11T23:45:00+02:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Exqueezit"] price = "€10" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl_2023.yaml" [[events]] name = "Folkbal Wilhelmina" links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-wilhelmina-28/"] start = "2023-12-13T20:00:00+01:00" end = "2023-12-13T23:45:00+01:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Eä"] price = "€10" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl_2023.yaml" [[events]] name = "Folkbal Wilhelmina" details = "Eerste bal van 2024 in Eindhoven. We starten het jaar met Duo Clercx!" links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/balfolk-wilhelmina/", "https://www.facebook.com/events/398197892546463/"] start = "2024-01-10T20:15:00+01:00" end = "2024-01-10T23:30:00+01:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Duo Clercx"] price = "€10" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml" [[events]] name = "Folkbal Wilhelmina" details = "Door carnaval een weekje verschoven, de muziek wordt er alleen maar mooier door: KV Express komt spelen!" links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-wilhelmina-kv-express-be/"] start = "2024-02-21T20:15:00+01:00" end = "2024-02-21T23:30:00+01:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["KV Express"] price = "€10" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml" [[events]] name = "Folkbal Wilhelmina" details = "Folkbal Wilhelmina - L'Hêtre Heureux (FR), Deze avond komt uit Frankrijk het duo L'Hêtre Heureux!" links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-wilhelmina-lhetre-heureux-fr/", "https://www.facebook.com/events/923303672558423/"] start = "2024-03-13T20:15:00+01:00" end = "2024-03-13T23:30:00+01:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Duo l'Hêtre Heureux"] price = "€10" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml" [[events]] name = "Folkbal Wilhelmina" details = "Afgelopen najaar door voetbal verdrongen komen Thomas, Joris en Puck nu een inhaalslag maken. NeBel in da house!" links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-wilhelmina-nebel-be-nl/"] start = "2024-04-10T20:15:00+02:00" end = "2024-04-10T23:30:00+02:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Nebel"] price = "€10" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml" [[events]] name = "Folkbal Wilhelmina" details = "Bart Praet speelt in verschillende (balfolk-)groepen en heeft daarnaast ook een solo-programma. Dat wordt balfolk met invloeden van o.a. Jazz en Keltische muziek!" links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-wilhelmina-bart-praet-be/"] start = "2024-05-15T20:15:00+02:00" end = "2024-05-15T23:30:00+02:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Bart Praet"] price = "€10" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml" [[events]] name = "Folkbal Wilhelmina" details = "Onder de titel Two Hats spelen Wouter Kuyper en Wim te Groen samen heerlijke dansmuziek. Daarnaast zullen ze deze avond ook elk wat van hun solo-werk laten horen." links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-wilhelmina-two-hats/"] start = "2024-06-12T20:15:00+02:00" end = "2024-06-12T23:30:00+02:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Two Hats", "Wim te Groen", "Wouter Kuyper"] price = "€10" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml" [[events]] name = "Folkbal Wilhelmina" details = "De Vlaamse topformatie Cecilia speelt deze avond ten bal. Thomas, Jan en Greet in de Willemien, super!" links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-wilhelmina-cecilia-be/"] start = "2024-09-11T20:15:00+02:00" end = "2024-09-11T23:30:00+02:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Cecilia"] price = "€10" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml" [[events]] name = "Folkbal Wilhelmina" details = "Door autopech uitgesteld, deze avond toch in Eindhoven : heel veel knoppen, bediend door twee virtuozen Bert en Erik." links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-wilhelmina-exqueezit-be-nl/"] start = "2024-10-09T20:15:00+02:00" end = "2024-10-09T23:30:00+02:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Exqueezit"] price = "€10" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml" [[events]] name = "Folkbal Wilhelmina" details = "Elektronische balfolk, kan dat? Jazeker! Deze avond komt het Luikse kwartet BOUTON ons met beats en loops laten dansen!" links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-eindhoven-bouton-be/"] start = "2024-11-13T20:15:00+01:00" end = "2024-11-13T23:30:00+01:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Bouton"] price = "€10" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml" [[events]] name = "Folkbal Wilhelmina" details = "Een nieuw project van Lode Bucsan op draailier, Maëlle Dantin op doedel en Wouter Kuyper op accordeon!" links = ["https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-eindhoven-trio-bucsan-dantin-kuyper-nl/"] start = "2024-12-11T20:15:00+01:00" end = "2024-12-11T23:30:00+01:00" country = "Netherlands" city = "Eindhoven" styles = ["balfolk"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Trio Bucsan/Dantin/Kuyper"] price = "€10" organisation = "balfolk.nl" source = "events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml"