[[events]] name = "Salty Swirl" details = """ It’s Back! After many years of a break, we thrilled to announce that we are revamping and reviving the local contra dance weekend, Salty Swirl! Save the date for February 15 & 16, 2025, for a weekend of live tunes with Gaelstorm and ContraForce playing as Kenny Greer and Gretchen Caldwell call our dances. We will have a full day of dancing on Saturday, February 15th with contra and waltz by ContraForce and Gaelstorm. On Sunday, February 16th, we will have a waltz with ContraForce from 10am to 12pm.""" links = ["https://saltyswirl2025.ticketspice.com/salty-swirl-2025", "https://cdss.org/event/salty-swirl/"] start = "2025-02-15T10:00:00-05:00" end = "2025-02-16T12:00:00-05:00" country = "USA" state = "NC" city = "Leland" styles = ["contra"] workshop = false social = true bands = ["ContraForce", "Gaelstorm"] callers = ["Gretchen Caldwell", "Kenny Greer"] price = "$65" organisation = "Cape Fear Contra Dancers" source = "events/usa/cdss.yaml"