name = "Central Illinois English Country Dance"
details = "An English country dance held by the Central Illinois English Country Dancers. We have live music provided by the Flatland Consort and the dances are lead by several local callers. Admission is $5."
links = ["http://www.centralillinoisecd.org/#sched", "https://cdss.org/event/central-illinois-english-country-dance/2025-03-09/"]
start = "2025-03-09T14:00:00-05:00"
end = "2025-03-09T17:00:00-05:00"
country = "USA"
state = "IL"
city = "Mansfield"
styles = ["ecd"]
workshop = false
social = true
bands = ["Flatland Consort"]
price = "$5"
organisation = "Central Illinois English Country Dancers"
source = "events/usa/cdss.yaml"