  - name: Skandia First Friday
    details: "As part of Vinterdans, Lisa Brooks and Tom Sears will teachSpringleik fra Vågå. See <font><u><a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sPg2ASaxyU\" target=\"_blank\">www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sPg2ASaxyU</a></u></font>.<p><span>Teaching: 7:30-8:30 p.m. No partner is required. </span></p><p>Bokpojkarna will play for the first Friday dance. This duo, consisting of Peter Michaelsen and Joe Finn, comes to you from across Puget Sound. They have a broad repertoire and will delight your ears, feet, and hearts with their dueling fiddles with a wide variety of tunes and lovely harmonies!</p><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free  The price of admission includes a free dance class.</b></span><br><br><br><u></u><br><u></u><u></u>"
      - "https://skandia-folkdance.org/"
    start: "2025-02-07T19:30:00-08:00"
    end: "2025-02-07T22:30:00-08:00"
    country: USA
    state: WA
    city: Lynnwood
      - scandi
    workshop: true
    social: true
      - Bokpojkarna
    price: $10-$15
    organisation: Skandia Folkdance Society
    source: events/usa/skandia.yaml