  - name: Skandia Third Friday dance LIVE
    details: "<b>Hyfs,</b> a fun couple dance from Föllinge, will be taught by Nancy and Kelly. Besides being fun, learning this dance helps with other dances. Hyfs has two bakmes, which appear in other dances; however in this dance, they are done both clockwise and counterclockwise. Nancy often laughs when doing this dance. <p>See: <font><u><a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3RdBPwzYVM\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3RdBPwzYVM</a></u></font></p><p>The two bands who will provide music for the evening play a diversity of instruments: bowed, strummed, plucked, blown, squeezed, struck, and more. The evening will start with the<b> Six-feet Back Band</b>, which was formed in 2020 and plays a wide repertoire of energetic tunes from <br>Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. As is the case for our larger groups, you will know several of the band’s members from other bands or as dancers. Our second three-member band is <b>LAB162</b>, who maximize the number of strings per tune per musician and the number of instruments per <br>musician relative to other bands in this region. Their music and harmonies are divine for both dancing and listening to, and you won’t want them to stop.</p><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free  The price of admission includes a free dance class.</b></span><br>Music TBA<u></u>"
      - "https://skandia-folkdance.org/"
    start: "2024-11-15T19:30:00-08:00"
    end: "2024-11-15T22:30:00-08:00"
    country: USA
    state: WA
    city: Lynnwood
      - scandi
    workshop: true
    social: true
      - LAB162
      - Six-feet Back Band
    price: $10-$15
    organisation: Skandia Folkdance Society
    source: events/usa/skandia.yaml