  - name: Skandia Third Friday dance LIVE
    details: "For the class at 7:30,  Harry Khamis and Pat Pi will teach Polka and Bakmes from Kall. This is a fun and lively Swedish dance from Jämtland; it is a good opportunity to review the Kall bakmes step. See<font><u><a href=\"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxRqUvGCsyM\" target=\"_blank\"> www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxRqUvGCsyM</a></u></font>. <br> <br>Music for this evening will be played by our Port Townsend friends Peter Michealsen and Joe Finn. They don’t come to town very often, so don’t miss the opportunity to dance to this very special fiddle duet!<br><br><span><b>Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free  The price of admission includes a free dance class.</b></span>"
      - "https://skandia-folkdance.org/"
    start: "2024-07-19T19:30:00-07:00"
    end: "2024-07-19T22:30:00-07:00"
    country: USA
    state: WA
    city: Lynnwood
      - scandi
    workshop: true
    social: true
      - Peter Michealsen & Joe Finn
    price: $10-$15
    organisation: Skandia Folkdance Society
    source: events/usa/skandia.yaml