  - name: Balfolk in Kleve
    details: "It's time to dance to live acoustic music by Nubia. Tim Hofmeester and Kris van 't Klooster play original compositions on mandolin and guitar inspired by clouds, dreams and the joy of live. Their music is both influenced by French balfolk and Scandinavian folk music. In 2023 Nubia released their second full album Vogelvrij, from which many tunes will be played. Is balfolk completely new to you? Do not worry, as there will be a dance instruction.    \r\n\r\n14:15-15:15 - Instructions for beginning dancers\r\n15:30-17:30 - ball with live music by Nubia\r\n\r\nPrice: donation based (suggestion: €15,-)\r\nLocation: Versöhnungskirche Kleve, Hagsche Straße 91, Eingang Feldmannstege, 47533 Kleve\r\n\r\nContact: tho.brueckner@gmx.net"
      - "https://www.facebook.com/events/616099147866184/"
      - "https://www.krisvantklooster.nl/#agenda"
    start: "2025-05-17T14:15:00+02:00"
    end: "2025-05-17T17:30:00+02:00"
    country: Germany
    city: Kleve
      - balfolk
      - scandi
    workshop: true
    social: true
      - Nubia
    price: €15
    organisation: Thomas Brueckner
    source: events/germany/kleve.yaml